Short story – Did you hear about the kids outside the store?

Short story – Did you hear about the kids outside the store?

Well we were outside the store waiting to hear what had happened inside.  Many of us, were waiting, but not one of us wanting to go inside the store.  Not even for a moment not even to open the door and peek inside or ask our friend what is happening.

As we waited and continue to wait our need to know grew and grew fast as a weed in the backyard at our house.  Not one of us was talking now and we kept looking and waiting then we heard the door.  Up on the top of the door is bells to let anyone inside know that people are there. 

But this did not stop us from looking, because we could see our friend.  He seems to be so brave to go inside all by himself and to do this for us all.  Would you do that for your friends?  Well we knew the answer to that question.  We were outside!

Want to hear more?  There is much more to share but are you ready to hear more of what had happened that afternoon on that particular day?  Then keep reading and you will hear all about it.

Glad, that you decided to keep reading and find out what adventures took place that day and how it had changed us even to this very day!  We were kids back them so lets continue talking as though we are young kids; sharing this adventure together.  Back to the rest of this short story and as we are kids this felt like half the day was gone.  But actually it was only an hour as we stood outside watching and waiting.  Then what seem very loud and so sudden was the bells chiming so very loudly as the door burst opened.  Then a very tall and big man, he seems so huge to us and he was carrying things.  It was hard for our eyes to see him, because the sun was directly behind him and we could not see his face or what he was holding.  

That’s when he moved closer and we heard his foot steps for the first time.  All these stories of what we were told came rushing to our minds and then he spoke.  We heard this rough and old voice come from this huge man asking us all, “what are you kids doing outside in this hot summer sun?”, being so nervous and for what?  We had been startled many of us were and a few had laughed. 

The laughter kept increasing and increasing until this huge man was laughing and told us to come inside.  As he held the door open we heard the bells ringing and ringing and I had to look back to see what it was, it was us bumping the door as we walked past him.  Why did we go inside?  That is what I kept asking myself, and thought perhaps my friend inside called us into the store.  But years later after talking with him about that afternoon he says he never invited us in. 

All of us had a get together and learned we heard another voice talking to each of us and thought it was inside but we learned it was inside each one of us.  We started to talk more about it and realized we wanted to remember that afternoon, to know why it was so very special. 

Special to each of us because we grew up that day and we became closer, and we trusted each other in new ways.  We lost our fears, worries, and stress and much more was lost.  A lot a lot more was gained and perhaps that is a story for another time?  How do you like my short story so far?  What do you like about it?  You want to hear more then leave comments telling me.  So that I am encouraged to write the rest of this story, but do not let this end here, there is so much more to share.

Ready to find out what happens next? 
Take a look at Short story – PART 2: Have You read this before?

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I WAS HERE - Christopher


  1. Wait, so is this fiction or non-fiction? Sounds intriguing to say the least! Different voices inside each head? What did we find? Twilight Zone? Hehe, I want to hear more!!

    1. You will need to follow along to find out more. Nope, that was not different voices it was one voice in different minds.


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