Now in February 2015 About The Arm Part 3

 Now in February 2015 About The Arm Part 3
Free Image: February

Why did you take so long?  Some of you must be asking this question.  Well I did that to keep you guessing what happens next and wondering when will it be updated. 

Did you miss Part 1? Yes, then click here.

Remember this is an on going testimony so when there is an update to share, that is when you will get to read some thing new that has happened or is happening to my right arm; which is me.

Something’s that have happened since the previous sharing is my arm strength has increased. A summary of what has happened before I share on the strength. Worn a cast for about two weeks then a sling for about two weeks and now about the strength.  After the cast there was me able to lift a empty coffee cup and now I can lift up a printer (4 in 1), move a Macbook Pro (MBP).

As for degrees of movement before was able to reach hip with a little pain and now able to put my arm behind my back to touch the shoulder blades!

Isolation of the muscles is my new goals and that started with push ups against the wall and soon will increase it to the floor.  Doing the push ups from the knees to help build up more strength.

But none of this is stopping me from going on another vacation!  Yes another one this is the 4th vacation within the last 6 months from end August-September then February-March 2015. 
Free Image: Keep Calm Vacation

Remember to leave comments below and to share these published posts, thanks!

Some people had told me that I might or should get most of the range of motion back in my right arm. Some said, what you have now (referring to days after the sling came off) that is the range of motion you will have maybe a little more.  Do not let what others say to you or about you stop you from what you need and want to do.  You want to walk again, then walk, you want to run, then run.  You want your arms to have full range and strength like your legs and neck do then take it.  For the Lord our GOD is blessings us all things, so as He freely gives, then freely receive. 
Free Image: He who spared not His own Son

Through Christ Jesus we can do all things and GOD blessed you to be like Him to be in His image.  So yes Adam sin, however Jesus came to give us life and have life more abundantly! Surely He would not withhold any blessing for He loves us, amen.


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