Are you shy and do you want a change?

Are you shy and do you want a change?

Perhaps you are like I was
Maybe you are like I was several years ago.  Too share some background I was extremely shy about a lot of social activities from sports to classmates to friends and family.  It had happened to me many times when a classmate, a girl, would cause me to be barely able to talk.  Especially when it is a cute girl and I would sometimes not be able to say all the words, my mouth would open but sometimes words would not come out.  

Going from what I was to what my wife says about me today.  Which is that I would walk up to anyone and say hi to him or her.  I replied with pretty much anyone!  And then I smiled. 

Are you facing challenges from being shy and perhaps too shy?  That it prevented you from getting a job.  Have you wanted a date with someone and you are to shy to verbally reciprocate to the person who asked you out?  Seen anyone that you wanted to ask out, but the shyness kept you

Did you know that being shy is a sin?  When I first heard that, which it stunned me and confused me as well.  But after praying about it, I had realized and understood it.

Ever win anything and had to go claim the prize and be seen by several people?  Sometimes winners are required to have their photos taken and that prevents people entering the contest.  What about those times in school when asked to share with your classmates?  When you are facing a blessing and behind you is shyness.  Do you let the shyness pull you back or keep you in place or do you step out of your comfort zones and obtain your blessings? 

Shyness cute or not it is time to leave it behind. 
When you are kept in place or pulled back, it will always hold you down.  When the Lord Jesus lifts you up, sets you on high, its for the world to look at you and see Jesus!  He is the light of the world and like a candle in the window of a cabin on a mountain; its up high to be seen by all. 

Dreams and visions are from our Lord Jesus, our GOD.  That shyness is preventing you from being the champion that you were born to be, amen!!!

Remember my friend to pray for transformation and our Lord Jesus can help you.  Take action and He can guide your steps along the path that you walk and remember that you can start with finding like minded people to help you stay focused too.  

Ask Yourself
What kind of person do you want to be?  What kind of lifestyle do you want to have?  What are the visions that the Lord Jesus has blessed me with?  What are the dreams that the Lord Jesus has blessed me with? 

Write it when you got it
Write it down as you get the answers and stay focused on what you do.  What you do helps you reach those dreams them do it and remember to find people that pray for you and encourage you too.  

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Thanks everyone!!!


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