Smartphone’s are so cool for helping you with respecting relationships

Smartphone’s are so cool for helping you
with respecting relationships

It allows you communications on many levels.  We have so many options and for some of you it will be a remind for some it is new information.

Smartphone is mobile that means it can be used nearly any location, from location to location, nearly at anytime of the day and night.  There are many forms of communications available through nearly all smartphones. 
The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.

Some of these you are most likely using every day.  (Links provided for downloading)

Social Communities websites & their Apps.
Fill your beliefs with excuses and you will find more and more excuses for everything that you do.

Use any of those Apps and Emails to stay in touch with people that you love and like.  Sending a Hi or Smiley face is a good way to say I am thinking of you right now.  That helps strengthen the relationships by communicating.  You might be against social media or network marketing.  However both of them are designed to encourage you to be happy, to help, to communicate and do it in a positive way.  They are designed with the ideas of being positive and sharing that positivity with people you know and do not know.  To help you go out and meet people and become friends with more people; hence the words networking and social.

Smartphone’s are a tool to help you stay in contact with people in your portable address book.  It is a device that helps replace business cards, everything you want or need, can be added into the contacts of your device.

The best way to keep a secret is to not share it on the Internet at all.  Once it is mentioned on anything that is connected to the Internet consider it public knowledge. 

So do not get too personal with your information that you share on Apps, Websites, and Emails.  But do let the person know that your happy that they are in your life and that they are your family and friends.  Plenty of negative things, we do not need to look very far or hard to find it.  Add positive information good things done and said to your life. Start by saying good things. 

Imagine greeting someone you love or like this way…
Hi !!!
So great to see you!  Smiling then offering your handshake sharing encouragement and positive body language.  

Imagine doing this instead…
Hi my friend or Hi bro or Hi sis!!
Sharing a hug and big smile as you say something more than the routine greeting.

Routine greeting…
Hi, how are you? Good and you?

What about the negatives? 
Of course there are negatives about using smartphones, people read messages and forget to reply or use that as an excuse for not responding to someone.
Just remember when you're ignoring her, you're teaching her to live without you.

You have the options to reach out in several ways using many different options with each type of App provided to you via the App Stores for your Mobile Operating System in your smartphone. 

Keep your relationships strong, interesting, special, and randomly communicate with those you know including your colleagues, ex classmates, and ex colleagues. 

Remember you have to work no matter what you pick. But you can chose what to work on, how often, and how to do it.  Find your why; find people that are like minded, form a community or join network marketing company.

Because being around like-minded positive people is a lot better than the results of not doing any of these things.  It can happen to anyone the isolation, separation, divorce, or someone passes on.  How would you fill your mind if any of those things happen? Worry, frustration, fearful, anger, doubts, and regrets.
Are you ready to get started now or wait until someday?

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Thanks everyone!!! 


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